Bridge Drive

The annual bridge drive organised by SFHHI to raise funds for Health Help International which was held at the end of August proved once again to be a great success. It was well supported by players from the two Strathaven Bridge Clubs and also from the Hamilton Bridge Club. The committee thanks those who took part and all those who gave donations or who provided prizes for the raffle and helped raise the excellent sum of £1,065 for HHI.

The money has been used to purchase a defibrillator which will be used in a new hospital nearing completion in Zambia . Dr John Phiri, the District Health Director responsible for  the new hospital was supported through medical school by HHI and some of its loyal supporters.

Pictured are the members of the HHI committee holding several medical items of equipment which Jute Williams (at right of photo) is taking out to Zambia on her forthcoming visit. Iain Park (second right) is holding the defibrillator purchased with the Bridge Drive money.