Visit to Zambia by Jute Williams and Kath Russell

SFHHI committee member Kath Russell was able to join Jute Williams on her annual visit to Zambia in October this year. They spent two hard working and very successful weeks based at the HHZ HQ building in Monze despite problems throughout due to the every-day shut-down of the electricity supply and the challenge of driving to outlying locations on very poor and often non-existent roads.

They were able to visit the many projects and activities supported by HHI including the ongoing provision of food to many of those suffering from the continuing serious drought in Zambia. There are many moving and memorableitems inthe reports which Jute sent back each day. Have a look at these and the accompanying photographs in the latest News section of the HHI website at

A highlight of the visit was the ceremonial opening of the new dormitory at the Choongo school. The target of raising £25,000 to celebrate HHI’s 25th anniversary was set early this year. Amazingly this been  successfully achieved and by sending out funds at various stages building works were able to be started in April and the building successfully completed by the end of September. Attended by various dignitaries including the local Chief Choongo and the area member of Parliament and with singing and traditional Tonga dancing provided by the schools’ students  the opening ceremony was carried out by Kath. She cut the ceremonial ribbon and unveiled the commemorative plaque which had been provided by SFHHI.

Big Picture Charity Films 

Nik and Maria Reed of the BPCF film company visited India in 2022 with Health Help International Chairman Edmund Plummer and also Zambia in 2023 with Jute Williams to film the work of the Charity in both these countries.

Have a look at the excellent films produced by BPCF illustrating the wide-range of the activities and projects supported by HHI in India and Zambia. There are nineteen in all. They can be viewed on the HHI website at 

2024 Bridge Drive 

This will be held in the Strathaven Golf Clubhouse on Tuesday afternoon 12th November. As last year’s this is a fun bridge (not board bridge) event and caters for bridge players who find our Cafe Bridge Days too challenging. It starts with a light lunch served at 12.00 noon  and will finish about 4.00 pm. To reserve tickets (£15 per person) or take a table of four please phone or text Iain on 07771720388. All monies raised are on behalf of HHI. Raffle prizes will be gratefully accepted.

2024 Round Strathaven 50 

This year’s RS50,  held on Sunday 18th August, was the 22nd since the first one in 2002

Another record number of cyclists had entered and though there was the usual fairly large number who did not turn up over 700 took part in the two events, the 50 and the 15 miles routes. There was an encouraging increase in the number of families and young cyclists taking part in the 15 miles event.

The weather was good and almost everyone completed their routes. There were as usual many favourable comments from the cyclists about the organisation of the event and especially about the usual excellent refreshments at the various locations.

A record sum of £17,000 was raised and once again Health Help International received a very generous donation of £6000 which is being used to provide the beds and bedding in the new Choongo dormitory. This brings the total amount received by HHI from the RS50 events since 2002 to just over £66,000 

Alex and Maria of the BPCF Company which produced the excellent films of HHIs work in India and Zambia attended the event and filmed throughout the day from both ground level and using their drone for aerial footage. We look forward to seeing the completed film of the 2024 RS50 towards the end of the year. 

Iain Park Interview on Avondale Radio

Iain Park had the opportunity to speak about Health International and the Strathaven Friends of HHI in an interview he had with Helen McCabe broadcast on 21st November 2022 on Avondale Radio. This local radio station which is accessed on the Internet is reaching an ever widening audience since it started up earlier in 2022. Helen presents a programme called ‘Thinking Allowed’ which is broadcast twice a week. Iain’s hour long chat with Helen when he was able to tell her all about the work of the Charity and Strathaven’s involvement with it was interspersed with six musical items chosen by him. You will be able to listen to it shortly when it is added to the list of archived items  -on  

SFHHI at Strathaven Gala 2022

The SFHHI committee supported the Strathaven Gala Day and at the same time promoted Health Help International with their stall in the Public Park where they displayed the Painted Leaf Cards and other items on sale on behalf of the Charity.

Despite rather inclement weather and with committee numbers reduced to four these stalwarts managed to attract a good number of visitors to their tent and with excellent sales talk raised just over £100 for HHI. 

A free prize draw for a basket of ‘Taylor made’ biscuits, generously donated by Willie Cooper  helped to generate interest. The draw for the prize was made by Gala Day Chairman Colin Dempster who also presented it to the winner Marion Law.

Love Letters Down Under

This is the title of the latest book produced by Iain Park 

This unique correspondence was from Barbara Hamilton to her future husband, Andrew Dykes, during the years of World War I.

Andrew, a member of a farming family whose farm was near Strathaven, in the Parish of Avondale, South Lanarkshire, had emigrated to New Zealand in 1909 to establish himself as a farmer in the south of South Island. Barbara, also from a local Avondale farming family, was unable to follow him as planned because of the war but they became engaged by post in 1916. She wrote to him faithfully throughout the war years until she was able to sail out to join him in 1919.

Barbara, who had trained as a schoolteacher, combined her duties teaching at Strathaven Academy, two miles away, with the hard manual work of the farm but also was able to enjoy the hectic social life of the farming community that continued despite the war.

Her letters give a fascinating insight into her busy life and the effects of the war on the town and farming community as she recounts the growing number of friends and family members injured or killed during the hostilities.

The book is available to purchase via the shop